What is Unpivot?


Unpivot is a crucial data transformation technique often used in data preprocessing, analysis, and visualization. It involves converting wide-format data with multiple columns for different categories or attributes into long-format data, where each category or attribute is represented in a single row.

This transformation can make data easier to work with, more human-readable, and better suited for various analytical and visualization tasks.

Benefits of Unpivoting

  1. Data consistency: Unpivoting can help maintain a consistent data structure across datasets, making it easier to merge, compare, or analyze them.

  2. Improved readability: Long-format data is typically easier to understand since it groups attributes or categories into a single column rather than spreading them across multiple columns.

  3. Easier data analysis: Many data analysis techniques and tools are designed to work with long-format data. Unpivoting can make it simpler to apply these techniques without needing to manipulate data on the fly.

  4. Simpler visualizations: Long-format data is often better suited for creating visualizations, as it can be directly used with a wide range of chart types without requiring additional data manipulation.

Common Use Cases

  1. Data preprocessing: Unpivoting is often used as a preprocessing step before further data analysis, as it ensures that datasets are consistent and compatible with various analysis techniques.

  2. Data cleaning: When dealing with wide-format data, it's common to have many columns with missing or null values. Unpivoting can help reduce the number of columns with missing data, making it easier to clean and analyze the dataset.

  3. Time series analysis: When working with time series data, you may have separate columns for each time period. Unpivoting allows you to create a single column for the time variable, making time series analysis more straightforward.

  4. Data visualization: Many visualization tools and libraries expect long-format data, as it simplifies the creation of various chart types, including bar charts, line charts, and heatmaps.


Consider the following wide-format dataset:

We want to transform this dataset into a long-format dataset like this:

Steps to Unpivot the Dataset

  1. Identify the columns you want to keep as identifier columns. These columns will not be affected by the Unpivot function. In our example, the identifier columns are Country and Year.

  2. Identify the columns you want to unpivot. In our example, we want to unpivot the Product_A_Sales, Product_B_Sales, and Product_C_Sales columns.

  3. Apply the Unpivot function to the selected columns, specifying the identifier columns and the columns to unpivot

  4. Rename the new columns created by the Unpivot function. Typically, the Unpivot function will create two new columns: one for the variable names and one for the values. In our example, we will rename these columns to Product and Sales, respectively.


After applying the Unpivot function and renaming the new columns, you should have a long-format dataset with the columns Country, Year, Product, and Sales.

Last updated